Thursday, September 04, 2008

Riding the waves

So I was told I needed to update this blog a bit more and this person was correct; I need to update both of my blogs much more regularly. In fact I need to take these blogs to Wordpress and really make 'em snazzy.

So I'll have to set a date for that and make it happen.

In the mean time I'll update this at least once a week - my promise to you!

And to myself for that matter. :)

My post today is about riding the waves..figuratively of course as I live in land-locked Colorado. (I'll learn to surf in real life eventually).

There are definite patterns that emerge over time and my business is reflecting that. There are some weeks that are hectic and other weeks are a little slower. However as I increase my own response and my own actions, my business dealings increase in pace. The Universe definitely responds to speed and I'm seeing that in my life. It's a lot of fun. :)

Not only does my business respond but so do other areas of my life. The more active I become, the more people I meet and the fuller my social calendar becomes.

I am enjoying that immensely!

My love life hasn't been as affected at least not in the physical plane. I haven't seen any improvements there over the summer but at least I am in a place where I can and do welcome new love.

TX is long gone and I am content with that. I would prefer he stay gone and that he lives a long, healthy and abundantly joyful life without me. There is someone else out there who is an even better addition to my life and he's on his way. And for that I am grateful.

Monday, September 01, 2008

Eeek! It's September!

Oh my, it's already September. Where did the summer go? I've been busy getting involved in Boulder and the Boulder community.

Recently I've taken up contact improvisation dance. It's tough to explain really but it's a form of modern dance that is done with a partner. No music, no shoes, no choreography. It's free form, liquid movement that involves counter-balancing and body weight.

Like I said, it's tough to explain so check it out on YouTube for more info.

The CI (contact improv) community in Boulder is very much a community. There is laughter, love, conflict, emotions and bonding among a group of friends. I think it's the circle I've been searching for.

One of the main reasons I moved to Boulder was to be a part of a community, to join with like-minded people who are open to development and embrace growth as a natural part, a natural evolution of life.

Dancing with the Boulder CI group has been a lot of fun.

Every dance feels like an amazingly, freeing moment of my life - an opportunity to leave behind the constraints of everyday life, the precursors of living in modern society and the blatant labels we all find ourselves existing under (sometimes without consciously choosing those labels).

I guess that's a long-winded way of saying I dig CI. :)

The rest of my summer has been fun but I haven't camped or hiked as much as I had hoped. *sigh* Nor have I traveled at all which is a huge *SIGH*.

I don't have much other news. I had been dating someone but it was very casual and we were both clear it wasn't going to develop into anything serious. There is someone I am interested in but he seems to be in a relationship. He is quite impressive so he's well worth keeping an eye on in case he's single again. :)

So that was another long-winded way of saying I am not dating anyone right now but have finally reached a point where I am open and ready for an amazingly, fantastically wonderful man to come along. I'm ready to get back into an incredible relationship that helps both of us grow more, love more and become more.

And it would be nice if he were creative, well-off financially, sweet and very handsome. :)