Monday, February 06, 2006

The ABCs of Me

Because I love quizzes...I stole this from Christine. [A is for age:] almos the big 30! 4 months & 10 days (but who's counting?!) [B is for booze of choice:] beer, wine & the occasional tequila. I like salty dogs, greyhounds & lemonade & vodkas as well (all of those have vodka in 'em). [C is for career:] All around do-everything-to-make-the-office-run-gal; I truly don't have a title but I've been promoted from a Program Manager to something like an Executive Asst. My career is writing though. [D is for your dog's name:] don't have one but I dog sit for Buddy a lot; he's a pal. [E is for essential items you use everyday] 'puter, books, pens, paper & phone - the big Ps [F is for favorite song at the moment:] Hmmm..anything by Prince, The Cure or Norah Jones currently [G is for favorite game:] NOT video games but I dig Monopoly, poker, Catch Phrase, Trivial Pursuit [H is for hometown:] Mayville - aka Mayberry [I is for instruments you play] nada [J is for jam or jelly you like:] grape, strawberry & marmalade [K is for kids?] ain't got a one but I do baby-sit, does that count? My brother & sister are my kids currently. [L is for last kiss] I'd rather not go there... [M is for mom's job:] speech therapist in a school [N is for name of your crush:] There are several I guess: Rusty Smith, Jensen Ackles & a guy named Larkin. [O is for overnight hospital stays] Not a single one and hopefully not for a very, very long time.. [P is for phobias:] being alone and dying alone, not being able to help the people I love when they need it most. [Q is for quotes you like:] Understand that the right to choose your own path is a sacred privilege. Use it. Dwell in possiblity. -Oprah Winfrey [R is your relationship that lasted the longest]: 2 ex's who are tied at 2 yrs (approx) [S is for sexual preference:] Yes - men please. [T is for time you wake up:] rarely if ever before 7am - anything earlier is outrageous [U is for underwear:] just bikinis or none.. [V is for vegetables you love]: taters, tomatoes, sweet potatoes, collared greens, broccoli, brussel sprouts, snap peas, tiny tiny baby peas, carrots, banana peppers, water chestnut [W is for worst habit:] overly-critical of myself and of others (only sometimes for others) [X is for x-rays you've had] just my toofers [Y is for yummy food you make] stir-fry, banana bread, chocolate cake, tilapia, tortilla soup with my brother; I can make lots of food but I'm not sure it's always so yummy! [Z is for zodiac sign:] Taurus baby - but a few days from being a Gemini

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