Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day all. Today is nothing special for me - just the usual. No flowers, no candy, no romantical dinner - nothing. And I'm ok with that. As I posted in earlier, I'm not ready to date again but I also don't feel great about being single. In fact, I hate it. I had just started to accept being single and 30 when I started my last relationship. I didn't expect it to be over so soon (or ever really, I was pretty smitten. Apparently blindly smitten...). But it is and now I have to get back in the groove of being single. So I'm struggling with it but that's what I do - struggle and persevere. But as much as I hate V-Day, I've decided to spend the evening at a party. It's an anti-Valentine's Day party mind you - filled with wine, candy & lots of singletons. Whether or not they're unhappy singletons, I can't comment. I'm on the fence about it personally - there are lots of positives to being single (a LOT) and a few drawbacks. Now being alone is another story - not many +s there and sometimes I feel very alone...not just single. I've felt quite alone for the last year until I settled in and made some new friends. Now I usually just feel single which is all right with me. Single I can handle, alone I don't do so well. Anyway, I better get back to work...enjoy your day everyone!

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