Friday, May 04, 2007

Back Home

All right, I'm not jumping for joy to be back in Colorado. I admit it. This is the first trip I've ever taken when I haven't been crazy excited to come back here. Usually I'm ecstatic at the thought of my Rocky Mountains gracing the skyline. But not today. I miss Cozumel. I miss the island breeze, the soft island Mexican music and the salty sea air. Truly I couldn't live there but I could see myself spending a couple of weeks there on a regular basis! Island living is good for the soul!

I'll give you a quick recap of the week (post drama)...Saturday was a day of relaxation. Sunday was the very bad scuba experience. Monday was a day on the scooters checking out the island. Tuesday we walked around town and visited off-the-beaten path places. Wednesday was our ruins tour (a solid 14+ hour day), Thursday was just relaxation in the ocean and on the beach!

I'll post photos when I get them but for now, just imagine 7 days of peaceful waves, calming breezes and sheer island-induced bliss!

I did get to spend more time with Detroit but not nearly enough. We sat by the beach one night under the stars and listened to music.

We also did the ruins tour together on Wednesday and we spent a few hours by the ocean yesterday afternoon.

I enjoyed the time we had together but of course wish there had been more. He is here in Denver til tomorrow night and we may find time to see each other. That is my hope anyway since we never got to say a proper good-bye. We were always very careful not to chat in public so we didn't get to hug at the airport today.

The whole thing was really silly actually because if you watched us in a group, we rarely made eye contact. But if no one was around? We were quite cozy. A few people noticed our interest in each other but for the most part, we kept it very covert so he wouldn't be yelled at again.

It was pretty difficult for me to keep my mouth shut about the whole thing because she continued to flirt with him in front of me and flirt with other men (in front of me and in front of Detroit). In my opinion, that was incredibly disrespectful and I don't tolerate that behavior from anyone. But I felt I had to simply ignore her childish behavior in this situation and so I did.

Anyway, it was a great trip minus that drama. I'm excited to share photos with you!!!

And wish me a good-bye visit from my new Detroit friend. :)

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