Tuesday, February 20, 2007

On The Mend

Well it's time for the healing to begin. The X is gone, officially. He has declared we are no longer friends and that he has found the person he will spend his life with.

And he declared it in a 3 sentence email. 3 sentences to end a 12 year friendship. 3 sentences and NO flippin' apology. AMAZING. To say he acted like an ass would be an understatement.

We had certain online conversations 9 days prior to his declaration that make me question his profession. Somehow in 9 days he met and decided to marry some chick. Pardon me if I find that hard to believe.

It's even worse if he met her and then still had intimate conversations with me AFTER they met. So in essence he already cheated. No wonder he ended our friendship. I'm 12 hours away and he still can't resist me. Shouldn't that say perhaps he's not all that in love?

It's projection yet again. Every time we get close, he runs away and projects his feelings onto the next girl he dates. This is the 3rd time. He's never said "forever" before and that really hurt me. I swear he thought of the most hurtful and easiest/cowardly way to tell me and that's what he came up with. 3 sentence email.

I've made the decision to replace thoughts of him with positive thoughts. Obviously I deserve better treatment from ANYONE in my life. Christ my dog treats me better. Just send positive thoughts my way if you can - any sort of hug is appreciated. He may have been an ass but he was one of my best friends for almost 12 years. It's still a loss to deal with.

So enough on that. In other Lara-world-news the copywriting is going well. I've started to see results which is awesome. It's a simple equation of time + effort = results. There is much work to be done and I seem to be the only one of the apprentices doing it. Now we are working on building a team to help me.

Not much else going on. Oh yes - and my laptop crashed. Perfect timing for the X to go away. He's brilliant at fixing that shit. I'm slightly screwed if a complete reformatting and reinstallation doesn't work. I'll have to cash in a CD so I can buy a new one. I can't seem to live without a laptop. *sigh*

Going out for trivia tonight (possibly), laptop reconfiguration tomorrow followed by pizza/wine/Grey's Anatomy (TiVO'd) and hiking on Thursday. Not sure about Friday but Saturday is a Girls' Night Out after some snowshoeing. Sunday better be a day of rest!!! Well maybe. Depends on what I get done during the week.

Hope everyone is well and had a lovely Valentine's Day. It was the day my laptop died so you know how happy I was that night!

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