Tuesday, February 05, 2008

And then there was one...

If you've read any of my previous posts you've been privvy to my dating life: the ups, the downs, the highs and lows. All good fun and every experience was worth the investment.

The whole purpose of multiple dating was to take the pressure off of just one man and let things naturally evolve and have fun. For the most part it was fun and I did enjoy myself. I met new people, went to new places and tried some new stuff. All good times in my book. ;)

Shortly after the new year I went on a first date with a man I met online. We chatted for a few days prior to our date so we both knew a bit about the other and we knew we shared a similar sense of humor. He was (and is - bit of foreshadowing there for you along with the title of this post) incredibly funny, smart and charming.

Still...I've had a few first dates that seemed as though they would work out well but in the end, didn't. So I wasn't holding my breath - we both went into the night with the expectation of hanging out and laughing..that's all.

And laugh we did! Throughout our trip to Home Depot, throughout our dinner and during our star-gazing, wine-sharing & snuggling time.

We had a brilliant first date and didn't want the night to end.

I can safely say I haven't had a date that great in years. I mean YEARS. In fact I don't think I've dated a man this terrific in close to 8 years.

So in the weeks following our first date we've seen each other as much as possible and talk frequently via email & phone conversations. Yes I am a smitten kitten. Don't you love that phrase?! And you'll be happy to know (or at least I'm happy to tell you), he is also. Well not a kitten but he's smitten too.

In some respects it seems odd to feel so much for a man I've only known for a brief period of time but when you know, you know. It's just that simple for me.

About damn time too - simple works for me. Complicated, withdrawn, mixed signals don't work and they never will. It's refreshing to be with a man who tells me how much he likes me and likes being with me. A man who respects me and treats with me kindness, friendship and adoration.

And do you know how I did it? I got very, very, very clear about what I wanted in a man and what I wanted in a relationship. Simply (there it is again - simple) this was done by making a list over the course of several days and the list contained everything I did NOT want in a man. And then I took the list and wrote out everything I did want based on my internal thoughts and based on my list of don't wants.

After I made the list I believed I'd find him and it would work. I felt the feelings of being loved, giving loving and receiving love.

Often the simple things are simple but not easy and sometimes believing was hard.

But I am nothing if not a persistent pain in the **s so I kept at it and he showed up.

I have a great feeling about him, about us and about what he adds to my life. I feel very, very good about this man and I hope we continue seeing each other. Either way it's already been a beneficial relationship for me and I hope he can say the same.

There is much more to share about my involvement with him but that is for another day, another post.

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