Monday, January 30, 2006

A case of the Mondays

*sigh* What a day. I've been a grumpy pants since Saturday and it spiraled out of control today. I've been swamped with work (which is usually ok by me) and have very little time for myself in the evenings. And the time I do have is not well spent because I'm typically drained and exhausted - I expect the same today. I'm not sure where it's coming from really - perhaps still recovering from a recent break-up, an unsettling Meet the Press yesterday (Frist might run for Prez...I seriously may move to Canada and just fly in to my job every work week) or maybe it's just the January Slumps, don't know. Did you know an English dude created an equation to find out which day of the year is the most depressing? January 23 I believe is the date. I can't believe someone paid him to figure that out. Sometimes it's just the dreariness of the same stuff every day that bores and depresses me to tears. Who the hell wants to get up and go to work everyday? Don't get me wrong, I love my it love it love it. But damn if I want to go every single day of the year. I'd like a 4.5 day work week - that would suit me just fine. Give me Friday afternoon off so I can go play in the mountains. I really wonder where this 40+ hr work week started - I shudder to imagine not enjoying my work and spending so much time there. I spent my weekend either on the couch or snowshoeing. We did a tough 6 mile trip on Saturday in the achingly cold wind and I didn't quite finish. It ticked me off that I didn't finish it but the altitude was killing me. My body doesn't respond well to it - even when I'm in fantastic cardio shape (which I'd say I'm only a little above average right now). Don't know how to fix that really but I better find a way; I want to do a hut trip in April. We'll see. Ciao for now peeps~~~

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