Friday, January 27, 2006

My latest read

My true confession for the day: I ate some fast food last week and it didn't make me sick. Currently I'm reading Don't Eat This Book! by Morgan Spurlock - the same man who gave us Supersize Me (also a bloody good film if you haven't seen it). Personally, I think he's brilliant and I love him. But if you ever want to eat fast food again, don't read this book or watch this movie...because you won't. I can't pass the Golden Arches without feeling revolted at what they pass off as food - and charge us for! I want to slap that crap out of people's hands every time I see them eating it. It's just disgusting and I wish more people really thought about what they put in their bodies. What do you think? Are we a fatty overeating food-obsessed nation who doesn't care what we eat so long as it's fast and cheap ---- or is fast-food merely a symptom of underlying problems in our culture (ie two-parent working households where no one is home when kids leave school and no one cooks anymore)? Or some sort of combo? I've got my thoughts but I'd rather hear yours...

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