Wednesday, July 12, 2006


So here's the latest in my world: still not working but have been interviewing consistently. I just filed for unemployment but picked up a dog-sitting gig for 10 days so I'll be able to pay rent next month without dipping into my savings. My goal is to avoid touching my savings for as long as possible. I truly do believe I will have an offer before the end of July.

I have interviewed with a non-profit (on the fence about this one), an acupuncture school (too far away and they aren't paying enough), a financial services company (interested in this) and a PR firm (very interested in them, afraid they are not interested in me as I have not heard from them this week). I have one more phone interview set up and then I am tapped out.

There are quite a few jobs out there so I'm not too terribly worried. My main concern is my 1.5 year curse. I can't seem to stay with a company for longer than 18 or 19 months and I hate that. It's not because I've wanted to leave, it's simply the way things have unfolded. I do my best to explain this in interviews but I don't know if I'm convincing. I am getting down about that.

In other news, I camped last weekend. My X was on the trip; it is the first time he & I have spoken since last January. It went well..probably too well since I now miss him. Not sure if the feeling is mutual but he did email me after the camping trip to say he was glad we had talked, he enjoyed it and he hoped to hear from me again soon. I sent him my phone number but haven't heard from him.

More on the dating tip: I was supposed to go out with a guy I met through We haven't officially met but you know what I mean. Well, he may not be a big believer in the punctuality since he said he'd call me on Tuesday and Tuesday has come and gone. Oh well. C'est la vie or whatever the hell it is that the Frenchies say.

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