Monday, July 24, 2006


Well my dog days are over - back in Denver I am. Green eggs & ham...oops, sorry slipped off into Rhyme Release for a moment there. So I'm currently sitting outside of my apartment building on the cement patio between the two buildings. I get decent reception here but feel like an arse. I am effectively stealing and I feel like an azzhat for it. Oh well, someday I will pay for my very own wireless service. In the mean time, my azz cheeks are incredibly sore from sitting on cement. And no there aren't any community patio chairs out here. This is what I mean by sacrifices. (Let's also factor in that I am about 20 feet from the garbage dumpster - yep, sacrifices childrens, sacrifices).

And I've had to give up my organic food binges. I was an organic food junkie, I admit it. Organic produce is one thing but organic spaghettios? Yep, I ate 'em. One thing I won't be giving up is my organic non-meat products. Gotta have my veggie burgers from Morningstar. YUM.

So really I have very little to report, just wanted to post a new entry. My computer has been screwy for about 2 weeks now and I fear the worst: it is dying. She is about 5 years old so I could understand - that's about 115 in computer years. I've been backing up damn near everything I've saved on here - good thing I have a 215 MB thumb drive to save my ass. I knew it would come in handy. I would throw myself off of a cliff if I lost my 22,000 words of Maww book. I only need about 25,000 to 30,000 to finish her.

I spent all of last week in the beautiful mountains between Golden and Boulder. It was lovely albeit a bit lonely after the first 6 days. Dogs don't usually talk back so I was left to my own soliloquies. How in the bloody hell do you spell that word? I don't know but you get my meaning.

Other than that, not much in the way of news. Nothing on the job front really. I must not interview well - I've only had one callback from about 5 interviews I did. 20%. That's a crap batting average folks. I'm not impressed with myself.

There is a possibility I will be meeting with a woman who is a freelance writer this week. She makes good money at it and needs some help. She is looking to pay someone for some projects and also barter some resources in repayment for my writing services. Depending on when she returns from her mother's funeral, we are supposed to meet up. Well, I have to drive to Longmont but we're going to meet and see what kind of arrangements we can work out. Keep your fingers crossed - this could be the break I've been looking for. I want to write full-time from home if possible and she's doing it. She is also looking to mentor someone and pass along her knowledge. Send positive thoughts my way!!!

No love life news bulletins of course. I'm ok with that I guess. I have been talking to my X quite a bit. We never had trouble getting along, we had trouble fitting a relationship into his life. We'll see if any of that has changed. Regardless, we can at least be friends and that is a lot in my world.

So cheerio for now. Be well, travel safe & sleep tight. See you soon.

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