Thursday, August 10, 2006


Regardless of what you all think of Oprah, I love her. She is the highlight of my unemployed self's day. Today we got to see the Vanderbilts including that hunky CNN anchor...I forget his name right now but you all know who I'm talking about. He's fabulous.

Besides watching, Oprah I have spent my days battling with my computer. She has been a brat of late and we've had to bring in outside assistance. It seems to have helped at least a bit. No more crazy error messages which read like Klingon. But I still cannot run a thorough virus scan and I'm fairly convinced there are some evil boogies floating around in the ether that is my hard drive. Ok, I know it's not ether at all but binary codings so bugger off. I'm not an idiot - I like ether more than binary codes k? Deal.

But the coolest thing I've been doing is partnering with a full-time writer on some projects. I hope to have a few more clips to post here. (Maybe someday I'll figure out how to link them but currently my brain refuses). Anyway, I have done some research (14 hours worth to be exact) on muscadine grapes (yes I do know most everything there is to know about them and yes you should eat them!!!). Next up is Asperger's syndrome. Fun times I tell you, fun times.

Actually it is fun. I am interested in any subject I haven't learned much about it and I'm particularly interested in alternative health and supplements. There's so much misinformation out there that I believe it's important to set the record straight on what products can do and can't. Knowledge is power people, knowledge is power.

That's the extent of my current life. Lots of interviews, some temp work, some writing projects and not a lot of money. Woo hoo, a big YAY me on that. Just kidding. It's going along just fine and I am confident of some income soon.
Oh yeah, I've decided I do NOT want to rekindle any old flame. Enough said.

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