Tuesday, August 29, 2006


Well the entire world is full of 'em..we all know this. Whether it's the jackass who drives 20 over the speed limit in the construction zone (saw it yesterday hand to God) or the jerk-off who throws eggs at a building because you don't like the person who lives there (come on, at least graduate to flaming dogshit ok?). Or the moron who can't shut his dog up after 11pm at night - if you can't control your dog, you don't deserve him. If I can show a 100 pound animal who's boss so can you .. because I bet you weigh at least 75 pounds more than I do and you stand a foot taller. So don't let a girl outsmart you, you sissy pants.

If you're reading this, you're probably not one of them (unless you are one of my Xs..then you might be slightly idiotic but do read on).

However my LEAST favorite idiot is the racist. Perhaps you live in the penthouse suites on Broadway & 8th Ave. So what? Maybe you're part of the Cherry Creek Country Club..big fuckin' deal. I'm glad you earn so much you can throw thousands of dollars at white rich snobs who have nothing better to do than pay people to spend time with them. Hooray for fuckin' you. I personally don't have to pay people to be my friend so suck on that.

My point is this: it doesn't matter who you are, where you live, what you drive, what you do for a living or how big your damn house is. Jack asses come in all shapes, sizes, creeds, colors and demographics. I've found racists who make $12,000 a year supposedly "helping" those in need. You can't help people if you don't try to understand them. There are always the members of the all-boys clubs who make more money than I've imagined and they feel threatened talking to a black man.

And then there are the members of the "white flight" suburbs. Yeah, I don't like your philosophies very much. You may not think you are racist and perhaps you aren't...but perhaps your stereotypes are more veiled and hidden. That's what racism has become today - veiled and hidden. It's not better than it was when Dr. King was alive or Malcolm X. It's just better hidden. As a white woman, have you ever walked into a suburban chain restaurant with a black man? I have. And I've seen the narrowed eyes, the blatant stares and even intense dislike. Racism is alive and flourishing in our country and you're naive if you believe otherwise.

I don't pretend to have all the answers. If I did, you can bet your ass I'd be Hilary's campaign manager for the 2008 elections. And we'd WIN. We'd kick ass. But there are things we can all do. How about helping to fix our neighbors instead of running to your cookie cutter neighborhood with "better schools" and a shitload of Wal-Marts nearby? Fine if you want to live where there are good schools for your children, I respect that. But don't turn your back on the city and let it fall to ruin while you shop out of the Pottery Barn catalog. That's why our country has turned to crap people - no one bothers to pitch and help their fellow neighbor. Even if you live in the suburbs or a not-so-metro area, odds are good your neighbors aren't the same race you are. Working together and within our diverse communities is the only way we'll ever overcome racial issues.

All it takes is a little time and concerted efforts from others to improve our community. If everyone in every city around our nation put in an extra hour or two every month we'd make marked improvements. I can say I make the effort - can you?

1 comment:

Eric J. said...

Ha! You go girl!!! Damn I need to go to bed...