Saturday, August 26, 2006

Seven Things I Am Thankful For Today

As a nice opposing piece to what's written below, I submit to you my list of seven things I am appreciative for today, right now.

1. Life.

Every single day is a possibility, a fresh start. For the first time in many, many years I actually enjoy getting out of bed every morning. Yes I only step into my living room to work and I usually do it in my slip or bunny PJ pants. To some that may seem irresponsible or unfocused or whatever, something not quite reputable enough to deserve merit. But I love it. I love working on the variety of projects I have currently. The money is sure to follow.

2. Love.

No not that kind of love. No romantic dates or such of late but just love in general. It's a wonderful thing to be able to love another fellow human being regardless of their feelings for you. Knowing you are capable of loving someone is a feat worth celebrating.

3. Friendships.

New and old. Far and wide. Near and not-so-near. I am happy to have friends. As the cheesy saying goes "Friends are the chocolate chips in the cookies of life." Cutesy but true.

4. My sister.

She's brilliant, beautiful and slightly crazy (but in the best possible way). She's hilarious and I miss her every day. She's going to take over that campus so watch out Viterbo!

5. My brother.

He is wonderful...possibly the best teenage boy on the planet. Although he seems to love video games more than I would've hoped, he is smart, funny and kind. He calls me to ask how I am doing - not many 15 year olds do that. And he lets me hug him in public and tell him I love him. Boys don't do that..but he does. And he's not a sissy pants either. I'd kick your ass in a heartbeat for saying so.

6. Possibilities.

There is a reason Herbie Hancock titled his latest album "Possibilities" (which is a pretty damn good album; you should check it out). Life is one continual possibility and we only need open our eyes and our eyes..most importantly our discover what lies around us.

7. Laughter.

Laughter is one of the best things ever. It saves me every day. I try to find the humor in everything that happens. For instance, when my hard drive crashed and the tech told me it would $150 to replace it, I didn't cry. Nope, I laughed. It was absolutely absurd to me that these things would happen to me right now. Of course I did cry a little when I had to add another $100 on to that to upgrade my OS. But there is humor in it..somewhat twisted and sadistic humor but humor nonetheless.

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