Wednesday, July 05, 2006

I'm a bum

Yep, I am without work and living la vida loca. Well, not really. I've only had one minor panic attack since D DAY (stands for dumped day, the day my job dumped me). Other than that, I am staring each day square in the eyes and moving forward. I've had one phone interview (they are a virtual-based office so I wasn't flying out to San Fran to meet the VP; we decided to chat instead) and another one lined up. It looks like I may be dog sitting for a week and will make enough to cover rent next month from that. I should also be receiving unemployment but that may take a few weeks to go through. In a sense, this has been very liberating but as most people will tell you, the first taste of liberation can be frightening. Venturing into the new can be disconcerting and uncomfortable. I know I will never be a 9 to 5er person, that's not the life for me. But until I can get my businesses off the ground and turning profits, I have to suck it up and life the cube life. It is a means to an end and that end is simply another beginning. You might wonder what businesses I'm taking about. Those of you who know me are aware of my freelance work - I'm a writer and editor. I have two clients right now and the work is not steady - lucrative but not steady. I also have a web site which is under construction and will began an endeavor with a network marketing company when I have regular income. And my namesake book, MAWW: True Confessions of a Mad Ass White Woman, will be published in the next two years. So I have a few fires in the oven so to speak. I know a few of them will take time - maybe as much as 3-4 yrs - before they are turning profits. But I know the NM and web site can produce some income in as little as 6 months. It's just a matter of time management and intelligent efforts on my part (along with some dollars!). So I thank you fair audience for indulging my daydreams and yearnings - thank you for listening to my rantings, ravings and shoutings. Without your ears and open minds, I'd just be a jabbering idiot. Of course I may already be a jabbering idiot but you are true peaches for listening to me. Peace & prosperity, Lara

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