Tuesday, October 03, 2006

On being short...

Living in the land of non-short folks has some disadvantages. I top out at 5'1" (on a tall day) and there are some side effects to my limited stature. One of those became apparent today at Kmart when I tried to reach for something on the top aisle. So here are my five reasons being short sucks:

1. You can't reach a damn thing at the supermarket/department store/any other store not built for midgets. It's true, I took up rock climbing just so I could contort my body to reach those 3rd and 4th shelves.

2. No pants fit your tiny legs. Petite size my ass. Have you ever looked at stuff in the Petite Dept? It's made for little ole blue-haired ladies over 85. There isn't a damn thing in there for a sexy woman like me.

3. No one can find you in a crowd - at least not without neon-colored clothing or your own personal bullhorn.

4. You get stepped on and pushed around in those same crowds. Nothing is worse than being small, being stepped on and being pushed around by people who are bigger than you (which seems to be anyone over the age 12).

5. And the fifth reason? Most of the men you are interested in are at least 6 feet tall...and like tall chicks.

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