Friday, December 28, 2007


You know I always do my best to be positive and look for the good in all things. It's particularly hard for me from about November til the middle of February. I always want to be in a relationship and I rarely am. This year is the same despite dating several men.

The rotation is still on rotation but there's been a hiatus since about the middle of December. I saw one of the guys (we'll call him DR) early in the month and then his schedule has been hectic since. He has kid obligations that have kep him otherwise occupied.

You all know how I feel about dating someone with kids. NOT my preference, especially not teenagers. Anyway...

Since he was otherwise occupied, I of course continued seeing the other guys (what's the point in a rotation if you aren't rotating right?). Rotation Man #2 - we'll call him DB - was around a bit. I saw him 3x in about 1.5 weeks which might be a record for us.

DB and I have known each other for a few months (2 I think) and he's the strongest contender.

But I am not sure I'm even a contender in his book. He's had an incredibly stressful year so I'm still feeling out the situation. He's a tough one to read and there is a part of me that often wonders if I should just give up on it. He's a terrific guy but if he doesn't dig me that much then we should just move on so he can find someone he's crazy about. (And I can do the same!)

I haven't given up, I'm just watching and feelin' out the sitch with him. If we end up as just friends that's ok I suppose but there's a bit part of me that hopes for a lot more from him. That part of me thinks he & I have great's more of a feeling from my gut than anything else.

We'll see what happens and of course, I'll let you know!

One of the most important lessons I've learned from dating is to not take things too personally. You either dig someone or you don't. So if a guy doesn't dig me that's ok...another guy will.

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