Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Dating Rotation

Since I haven't gotten the results I've wanted in my love life, I decided to do something different. I made a decision to have a dating rotation.

Much like a pitching rotation, I have been talking to or dating approximately five men. They are all quite different and the experiences have been interesting.

There isn't one man in the main starting spot but there are 2 who have a significant leg up on the competition.

But the most interesting thing so far has been to simply observe them. Some of them know they are in a rotation, some do not. At least I haven't verbally told them they are one among many. However, even the ones who do not expressly know they are among a pack, seem to respond as though they are.

What I mean by that is they instinctively know they are in a competition. And it's fascinating.

Of the top 2, one has been around for a month or two now. We've had some fun, had a few dates and gotten to know each other. For awhile, he was the only man up for consideration.

But when it became apparent he wasn't going to move into the full-time slot all that soon, I upped the ante. I added more boys to the rotation to keep myself in circulation and take the pressure off the situation with him.

As I did that, he became more responsive and a bit more interested in me.

He called me, asked about me without any provocation from me. He was showing me his interest without me having to show interest first. And that was pretty big because up to this point, it's been coming from me.

And when I saw him the other night it was much like an actual date. We had dinner, drinks & talked for a few hours. We've spent time together in the past but had only one semi-real date.This was a lovely change of pace.

I have to admit he's very close to the #1 spot but the timing just doesn't seem right yet so he'll stay in the rotation with the top spot remaining up for grabs.

Many many people have recommended multiple dating to me in the past but I had shyed away from it (for any number of reasons). Now I'm beginning to see dating as fun and enjoyable - it doesn't have to go anywhere (like a relationship or marriage - although that would be cool if it did).

There is a belief that what you don't NEED can be yours. I've come to learn this is true in every area of life from love to money to fitness.

I put this to the test but telling myself I don't need a relationship but I desire one. And now I have several! :) :)

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