Monday, November 27, 2006

Holiday Gratitude

If you've been reading my posts over the last month you'll undoubtedly have noted my melancholy. Some of it has been situations in my life and some of it has been related to the holidays. Every year for the past 6 years I have been single during the holidays. (Ok last year I hadn't completely ended things with my now X but we were basically over). And every single year I have hated it and hoped for that to change by the following year.

So this time I've decided to not focus on being alone but to focus on thinking in terms of already having a relationship. I'm not sure how best to describe it but it's more of a mindset. I'm holding the feeling of happiness and being in love in my heart instead of the longing I usually feel when I think about my current state.

So in the spirit of the holidays I am going to be grateful when I go home in a few weeks. I'm going to be grateful for dozen+ kids I know under the age of 4 (I'm not's somewhere around 13 or 14 crumbmunchers); for all the newlyweds, newly engaged and long-time married couples I know (who better to learn from right?!). I won't fret over my lack of boyfriend, fiance or least not today! :)

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