Tuesday, November 07, 2006


I have no clue when it comes to men. Magazines tell us they are simple creatures: beer, breasts and beef. Perhaps that's true but some men are a bit more complicated than that. Some men actually have feelings and I seem to have a way of stepping on them without every intending to.

I cannot read men very well and often misinterpret their signals and their communcations. I'm never sure if they are actually interested in me, just my chest or if they simply think I'm just another cute girl they know and are friends with. Most of the time I err on the side of caution and assume he's not interested. And I'm usually right...he's not. But every now & again I get my hopes up ...only to have them squashed. And that's ok, I'm a big girl and I can pick up the pieces and take care of myself.

But what if there was something I could do to prevent that? I wish I knew what I've been doing in the past because I seem to mess up everything that comes my way. Perhaps one day I'll get my shit together and figure things out. Til then I'm just me and I'm trying to understand.

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