Friday, September 15, 2006

Three for Thursday

I was reading an article about something called the "monkey mind". Basically it is a state of mind where we constantly compare ourselves to others and criticize ourselves for not being absolutely perfect at everything.

I suffer from this thought process in one fashion or another on a regular basis. I don't necessarily compare myself to others - I push myself to constantly do more and be more. While this is good in some moments, I can be overly-critical. Daily I critique myself and what I've "accomplished" in the day. If I go to my temp job, come home and don't start working mental nag kicks in. Every day my mental nag finds another thing to nitpick about. And that's not healthy.

So instead of nagging today, I'm going to list my three for Thursdays.

Three Most Beautiful Sights I've Seen

1. Sunset over Key West.

2. My sister walk to the stage at her high school graduation.

3. My brother's smile when I come home for a visit.

Three Most Joyful Moments of My Life

1. The births of my brother & sister.

2. The day I drove to Denver to follow my dreams.

3. Any moment when my mind is quiet and I truly experience the essence of that moment and of existence.

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